Monday, November 1, 2010

Berticus Heads North - Day 10 - Biomes

I show off the new sunrise from my tower shelter. My goal for the day is traveling to show off the new biomes. All goes well until I decide attacking a spider for string would be a good idea.


  1. You do NOT need diamond to go to hell. All you need is 4 iron (for a bucket and for flint&steel) and patience.

    Dig a staircase down roughly 50 blocks from sea level (or ~5 up from the highest bedrock). At that depth, you should start to encounter lava pools.

    Then all you need to do is cart lava up with the bucket, and use dirt to hold the lava spring in place as you let water flow over it, turning it into obsidian. Do this ten times (one for each adjacent face of the 2x3 portal) and then light the portal to activate it and head to the scary place that is the nether.

    Portal schematic (O=obsidian,A=air,X=anything)

  2. Yeah this was posted on youtube as well, the problem is once I get to the nether, I won't be able to travel any distance and then build another portal, I would only be able to go back out the portal I made.
